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Gemma Verified Group

Public·65 members

Julian Nelson
Julian Nelson

Gica Petrescu 1963

Les revues Între noi- femeile (1958), Concert în re hazliu (1960), Expozitie de muzica ușoară (1963) lancent de nombreuses chansons appréciées par le public ( Mica serenadă , Am început sa-mbătrânesc , Cine n-a iubit măcar o dată , Gama , Signorina Musica , E de necrezut , Îmi placi din ce în ce mai mult etc)

Gica Petrescu 1963

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maire christina aumont, better known as tina aumont, was an american actress of french and dominican descent. born on february 14, 1946 to actors jean-pierre aumont and maria montez. she married actor/film director christian marquand in 1963, at the age of 17. in 1966 she made her appearance as tina marguand in the movie modesty blaise. she worked on over 50 films during her career, most being international and was know for her insane beauty, huge eyes, thick brown hair, voluptuous curves and great style.

The curtain went up and there was the great diva: jet black hair, gorgeous white ruffled gown, with diamonds and camellias artfully arranged. She looked striking. By 1963, Albanese had been singing for 30 years and her voice, which to me had never sounded youthful, took some time to warm up to Violetta's music. Even as a relative neophyte, I knew her "Sempre libera" was sketchily sung; the woman next to me hummed along, and was much more accurate.

Just ahead, in November of 1963, would come the assassination of John F Kennedy a few days before my first visit to the Old Met where performances of DON GIOVANNI and FAUST would inaugurate my long years of Met-going. 041b061a72


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